Some years back, when I was living in Wilmington, North Carolina, I decided to take a Saturday Chinese class (confession alert!) because I wanted to meet a certain cute guy I’d seen at a Chinese community party and who I knew must be taking one of the courses. But also a little because I wanted
More#Haiku of the day (March 25)
Daily haiku: Ruins – Left by your chaos/ Cracked and burnt but still standing/ Ivy grows from me
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#Haiku of the day (March 24)
Mothers – They copyright love/ Give us glasses to see life/ Limit or let shine
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Dating in our modern world is complicated. "And they lived happily ever after" is not as easy as the fairy
Often we don't realize that the people we are closest to are the ones we tend to hurt the most.
Random poetry I wrote on my phone
They usually come to me in dark but hopeful days. I just open up an app on my phone and write them while lying in bed or hanging out somewhere in Leipzig. Don’t expect a masterpiece or anything. Here are two. For Leipzig you didn’t judge her when she came back to you tail between
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# Haiku of the day (March 23)
Pendant – Lived through many moves/ Last sliver of purity/ First kiss memento
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I’ve just found this poem I wrote circa 2010. I’ve come across it fittingly at the moment I’ve begun falling in love with another city that’s a haven for Bohemians and all kinds of creative and free spirits. Leipzig may be the “new Berlin,” but can it become my new Wilmington (North Carolina), in a mode adapted