History - Page 3

For those who love history but hate the war


“Lucky he who was taught history,“ as the saying I remember from my school years goes. I thought it was attributed to Plutarch, but my internet search offers up the name of Euripides. Well, I was a very negligent pupil, so I wouldn’t know. And because I was so negligent, today I regret not having


Does diversity threaten our democracy?


[Sponsored post] On Friday, 8 April, the Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut Sachsen (DAIS) presents a book launch and discussion by Dr. Yascha Mounk. In his new book, “The Great Experiment: How diversity threatens and enriches democracy”, Dr. Mounk discusses the challenges faced by multi-ethnic societies. He also offers suggestions on how these societies might deal with globalization,


‘Festival of the M***’: Germany’s ongoing struggle with endemic racism


Raja-Leon Hamann explores the racist and colonialist implications of the city festival of Eisenberg, Thuringia being renamed as the M*****fest or Festival of the M***.


Lübeck: city of 3 Nobel winners and 4 martyrs


Thanks to Corona, domestic travel is becoming more and more attractive. For a hidden gem within Germany's own borders, find out from LeipGlo contributor Lito why Lübeck is a great destination and what its rich history can tell us about our present.


Urban Investigations Series: Bayerischer Bahnhof


Take a gander through the crumbling landscape of Leipzig's Bayerischer Bahnhof and surroundings in Part I of Urban Investigations, a miniseries looking at industrial culture - past, present and future - in our city.


Sex and Science in Robert Thornton’s Temple of Flora


Did fervent plant science herald a sexual revolution?

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