History - Page 5

Peaceful Revolution: some key facts and dates


The events of Autumn ’89 are central to East German identity and close to the people’s hearts. If you want to connect to the people and the place, it’s well worth reading up on this important part of history.


A conversation about history and memory


"The past can only enter our present through memories. Yet, what is officially remembered and how it is remembered is shaped by politics."


Discovering ancient Egypt in Germany


"The Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum in Hildesheim is not as big or famous as some others. However, it houses a good collection of well-organized and showcased Egyptian antiquities. These exhibits appeal to children and adults alike."


Rembrandt: sun in the firmament of art


In 2019, the Netherlands honors its national treasure Rembrandt, 350 years after his death. What makes his art so great?


The life and work of “Snowflake Bentley”


Vermont farmer Wilson Bentley, the first person to photograph and study the complexity of snow crystals, died 87 years ago today: "On the morning he was laid to rest... it began to snow, leaving a dusting over the burial ground."


1003 Nights: Leipzig dreamed in Ukrainian


“I have never been to Germany, and saw Leipzig only in photos or in dreams. In this poem, I wanted to depict a Leipzig of the past, a place in a time long gone.” (1003 Nights literary contest winner - poetry)

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