job fair - Page 14

150 result(s) found.

Meet the Candidates: Neam Tarek and Alexandra Athanasopoulou Köpping


In our second entry in the Migrants' Council coverage series "Meet the Candidates", Neam Tarek from Egypt and Alexandra Athanasopoulou Köpping from Greece/Belgium share their candidatures and tell us about themselves and their plans for the Council.


US Election chaos: a LeipGlo editorial analysis


LeipGlo's own Ana and Heiner weigh in on some of this highly unusual and most tumultuous of elections which is still being counted as we speak. Find out about the reasons why it is such a close call, what to expect from a likely Biden presidency and some of the smaller races that took place


Wear new clothes every week & still save the planet?


What if you could rent fair-trade clothes here in #Leipzig for every occasion, from job interviews to picnics to house parties? Now you can.


Covid-19 crisis deals final blow to Globetrotter hostel


Covid-19 left Leipzig's second oldest hostel, the Central Globetrotter, no choice but to shut down. Managing partner Alexander Grothe tells us about the events that led up to it, after having watched Leipzig transform from pitstop to boom town.


Stadt Leipzig resources and services during Covid-19


Questions about your visa, healthcare, social distancing, job benefits, and other vital services in Leipzig area amid coronavirus crisis? Have a look at this handy guide to get your bearings.


Depopulation: My home is dying, and no one cares


"I always thought that I would raise my children in Melgar, and that they would enjoy the same freedom and carefreeness that I did. It never occurred to me that when I finally decide to have kids, there will be no Melgar left for them to love."

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