job fair - Page 13

150 result(s) found.

Interview: Die Leipziger Integrationsmesse 2022


Nach einer langen Unterbrechung durch die Pandemie findet die Integrationsmesse der Stadt Leipzig endlich wieder in Präsenz statt. Im Interview sprechen wir mit Jakob Lanman Niese, Mitarbeiter des Referats für Migration und Integrations der Stadt Leipzig, über die im Juni stattfindende Messe. Die Messe wird veranstaltet von der Stadt Leipzig und dem gemeinützigen Verein ARBEIT


Leipzig cinemas are opening back up


To celebrate the reopening of many Leipzig cinemas, we hand-picked a few highlights from the last few months that can finally be enjoyed on the big screen.


An American missionary, a Japanese nurse and a U.S. diplomat


In an exclusive interview with LeipGlo, Ken Toko, U.S. Consul General in Leipzig, gets candid about his family, career, beginnings, current events, international relations, and how he has been coping with the COVID-19 pandemic.


The importance of the Romanian community in Leipzig

Georgiana Oprea interviewed three politically active women from the Romanian community. In light of this year's Migrants' Council election, she highlights the importance and challenges of Romanians living in Leipzig.


Meet the Candidates: Alejandro, Mohammad and Grzegorz


Alejandro López Roldán, Mohammad Khaitou and Grzegorz Wojslaw share their vision for our city and why they want to participate in the Leipzig Migrants' Council.


Meet the Candidates: Francesca, Yameli and Hafiza


Before voting beings tomorrow, we have three more candidates introducing themselves: Francesca (Italy), Yameli (Mexico) and Hafiza (Syria) share their visions for the Migrants' Council.

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