job fair - Page 18

150 result(s) found.

Café Oink: carving one’s cozy vegan nook


"When I came to Leipzig five years ago for university, I immediately fell in love with the city... in order not to have to leave in search of a 'proper' job after finishing my studies, I decided to take matters into my own hands; I dug out my old dream of starting a café."


New wave of young Vietnamese in Leipzig


From the 1950s-80s, it had been common practice for the GDR to bring in students from fellow socialist Vietnam as foreign aid, and to fill gaps in the labor market. This practice has carried over into a reunited Germany, where prosperity and longevity have brought labor shortages of their own.


Lulu opera: a classical musician’s review


"If you happen to open a piano-vocal score of Lulu, it looks like a vengeful composer threw up random spots of black onto the musical staff, tied some rhythms to it, and called it a day. And yet... it sounds like glorious music."


Bridges of (Com)passion: fuel for creatives


Go in for gas... come out with your own novel? #DoItInMockau


Got Game: Leipzig has golf lovers covered


"As someone who picked up the sport a few years ago and really enjoys playing it at clubs in Machern and Markkleeberg, I was able to get some insight into the local golf scene from the very people running these two clubs."


Inter Leipzig: football meets integration


"The beautiful game cannot become a symbol of exclusion and a space for those seeking to define the nation based on racial lines - hence the importance of Inter Leipzig's efforts."

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