job fair - Page 20

150 result(s) found.

Zubiri: a man, a thinker, a friend

If you could meet one of the most important philosophers of the past century, what would you ask him?


Legends of the fall: DOK festival turns 60


Unannounced screenings after midnight? Films smuggled over the border in a suitcase? Hotel rooms bugged by the Stasi? Legends about the Leipzig film festival abound.


Facing the “dark side” to help other journalists in Europe


Many journalists equate a career move into PR with going to the "dark side," for its aspect of "promotion" rather than "news." But what if it's done precisely to help journalists under threat in Europe - which has become the real "dark side?" Journalist Sophie Albers Ben Chamo gives us insights as she prepares for


Time and the old lady: Leipzig in 1999


"The older generation here has survived to see virtually every aspect of the society and system they helped build be repudiated by their successors. It’s one thing to have your style of dress, taste in music, social mores, etc. rejected, quite another to witness the entirety of your previous way of life be deposited into


German film classics: online treasure trove

A starter selection of German film gems in the public domain to watch online.


Media repression series: Ukraine calling


How much has Ukraine really changed after Euromaidan? We hear from a young Ukrainian studying media, society and international relations at Leipzig and Wroclaw universities.

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