The very complicated facts of Asylpolitik, explained here, easily debunk the xenophobic myths that have been circulating around.
MoreRegularly posted list of newly advertised individual jobs, companies hiring locally for lots of positions (with a high demand for software engineers but also some variety in jobs) plus, as usual, a list of companies specifically hiring international teachers or translators at the end of this post (lots of opportunities there), including a new open
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Our highlights this week are the OmU opening of the new James Bond movie, Spectre, and separately, the 6th edition of the "Latin American Days" movie fest, with movies playing in the original Portuguese and Spanish with German subtitles at Schaubühne Lindenfels this movie week. I might be found there at some point!
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These are jobs advertised in the past two weeks in Leipzig and environs, plus a list of companies hiring international teachers or translators at the end of this post. Leipzig International School and Intercultural Elements have a lot of positions available right now.
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SpinLab's Eric Weber helping make Leipzig and Saxony a better job market, one startup at a time.
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Some of my fondest moments in Leipzig nightlife have come from hangouts with InterNations people, including Stephanie - who, with
With lots of hard work, some "madness" and serendipity, a "little" help from her friends and a business loan, a
These are jobs advertised in the past two weeks in Leipzig and environs, plus a list of companies hiring international teachers or translators at the end of this post. If you find any job ads you feel like sharing here, please pass them along to us at, subject line #ExpatJobs.