FDP - Page 1

36 result(s) found.

Meet the Candidates: Marcus Nießmann (FDP)


We sent interview questions to all major political parties running in the 26 May elections. Marcus Nießmann (FDP) took active interest in answering them, and did so in both German and English. Er kandidiert für den Stadtrat im Wahlkreis 8, Leipzig-Nordwest.


‘Festival of the M***’: Germany’s ongoing struggle with endemic racism


Raja-Leon Hamann explores the racist and colonialist implications of the city festival of Eisenberg, Thuringia being renamed as the M*****fest or Festival of the M***.


Out of lockdown: 5 bars where to reconnect with Leipzig

With the lockdown easing up, Leipzig's gastronomy sorely needs customers as it tentatively reawakens. Local tour guide Dirk walks you thru some of his favorite bars across the city to get you back into the Kneipenkultur.


Saxony Elected: reasons to cheer and worry


Disaster averted. The far-right, anti-immigrant and climate-change-denying AfD was not the number one political force. But with 27.5 percent of total votes in Saxony, the AfD gained more support from state voters than all left-of-center political parties.


Saxony state elections: the candidates had their say


The Saxon state elections are this Sunday. If you are eligible to, don't forget to go vote! Recently we organized a debate with six of the candidates, and here are some insights.


Saxony Elects: encouraging startup spirit and diversity


A review of the Saxon election candidates' debate earlier this week at Basislager Coworking, focusing on entrepreneurship and inclusion of foreigners.

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