In my homeland of Brazil, known as Plastic Surgery Capital of the World, one of the worst things one can be – besides old, disabled and black – is fat. Worse still is being a fat woman. And perhaps even worse than that is being told so (nicely) by other women, when image matters so
More"The older generation here has survived to see virtually every aspect of the society and system they helped build be repudiated by their successors. It’s one thing to have your style of dress, taste in music, social mores, etc. rejected, quite another to witness the entirety of your previous way of life be deposited into
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Without a compelling vision of a different future, people gravitate toward demagogues who recycle the past. The left's failure to
In der Nacht des 27. Februar 1933 wurde der Reichstag in Brand gesetzt. Der 24-jährige Niederländer Marinus van der Lubbe
In der Nacht des 27. Februar 1933 wurde der Reichstag in Brand gesetzt. Der 24-jährige Niederländer Marinus van der Lubbe
George Orwell's "prophecies" feeding into "1984" were also (or actually) observations from his daily life in Britain, especially in the immediate aftermath of World War II.
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Without a compelling vision of a different future, people gravitate toward demagogues who recycle the past. The left's failure to
In der Nacht des 27. Februar 1933 wurde der Reichstag in Brand gesetzt. Der 24-jährige Niederländer Marinus van der Lubbe
In der Nacht des 27. Februar 1933 wurde der Reichstag in Brand gesetzt. Der 24-jährige Niederländer Marinus van der Lubbe
Either he is a hypocrite who likes to make controversial statements for fun and not for action, or Höcke intended to carry out some form of twisted protest at the very site of historical horror and regret.
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Without a compelling vision of a different future, people gravitate toward demagogues who recycle the past. The left's failure to
In der Nacht des 27. Februar 1933 wurde der Reichstag in Brand gesetzt. Der 24-jährige Niederländer Marinus van der Lubbe
In der Nacht des 27. Februar 1933 wurde der Reichstag in Brand gesetzt. Der 24-jährige Niederländer Marinus van der Lubbe
Obama recalled her father going to work in the city water plant each day, in “the hope that one day, his kids would go to college and have opportunities he never dreamed of.”
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[Sponsored post] On Friday, 8 April, the Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut Sachsen (DAIS) presents a book launch and discussion by Dr. Yascha
In an exclusive interview with LeipGlo, Ken Toko, U.S. Consul General in Leipzig, gets candid about his family, career, beginnings,
I am inviting you, the reader, to participate in a “global silent protest” to free Armenian POWs (prisoners of war).
Fighting the good fight: the multicultural future of humanity.
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As 2023 comes to an end, LeipGlo looks back on the articles that we shared with you throughout the year.
The excess of information that keeps us informed can also make us anxious and distressed. Jessica Fayer, a psychologist who
It looks like the weather will remain good for the next couple of weeks… perhaps it is time to do