Rummaging through the shelves of Leipzig is like a little girl playing dress-up in her grandmother's wardrobe. Sometimes you have to dig deep and wait over ten minutes for the next tram to the next flea market, but finding that perfect piece (ahem, eye hologram necklace) is worth the over ten minute wait.
MoreIn my homeland of Brazil, known as Plastic Surgery Capital of the World, one of the worst things one can be – besides old, disabled and black – is fat. Worse still is being a fat woman. And perhaps even worse than that is being told so (nicely) by other women, when image matters so
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"The older generation here has survived to see virtually every aspect of the society and system they helped build be repudiated by their successors. It’s one thing to have your style of dress, taste in music, social mores, etc. rejected, quite another to witness the entirety of your previous way of life be deposited into
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George Orwell's "prophecies" feeding into "1984" were also (or actually) observations from his daily life in Britain, especially in the immediate aftermath of World War II.
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Either he is a hypocrite who likes to make controversial statements for fun and not for action, or Höcke intended to carry out some form of twisted protest at the very site of historical horror and regret.
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Obama recalled her father going to work in the city water plant each day, in “the hope that one day, his kids would go to college and have opportunities he never dreamed of.”