Cocktail Open Mic Vol 12 is on! From your house, to our house and back to your house with intros by our ever-so-cheeky host, Peter Seaton-Clark. Send video by 1 April to be featured. We'll all watch together 3 April on the Cocktail Open Mic Facebook page.
MoreA bit of tough love for the folks at English Theatre Leipzig.
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"It was funny at times, sad at others, and overwhelmingly encouraging for us all to share our experiences as if we were all friends who haven’t met in a while." Join in at the next Smut Slam in Leipzig, 11 April @ Noch Besser Leben.
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Why I dislike the Christmas Market
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Voice, lyrics, production and article by Ana Beatriz Ribeiro. (The views in this post do not necessarily reflect the views of The Leipzig Glocal. Just its grumpy editor.)
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What do vaginas and puppets have in common? Ask Duckie when she joins Shameless at Noch Besser Leben Wed 22 March.
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Tim Whelan: standup and quit your day job
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Rooms full of laughing Germans is a very satisfying result, when it happens. Laugh Wed 16 Nov at NBL.