Cocktail Open Mic meets goth
Voice actor Peter Seaton-Clark, Cocktail Open Mic host, at the April 2019 edition. Photo: Omkar Panchal

Cocktail Open Mic Vol 12 beamed from lockdown

Like a multitude of other events, Cocktail Open Mic Vol 12 was cancelled due to COVID-19. It’s all blending together now, but do you remember that week that felt like it was a month? We cancelled mid-week to keep you safe. Thursday there was a press conference with instructions. By the following weekend, we found ourselves in lockdown.

Well, lockdown isn’t always fun (though you can still stream movies and practice mindfulness). Sure, there is food in the grocery stores and old ladies are not ramming you with their carts. But we have to become more creative to stave off boredom and find a treasure besides the ever-so-elusive toilet paper. You! You are our jewels!

Host open mic 9
Peter Seaton-Clark and audience at Cocktail Open Mic Vol 9, Sept 2019. Photo: George O’Connor

We miss you!

And we have to see you! And you have to see us.

So, as is our prerogative, Cocktail Open Mic Vol 12 is on again! The Rebirth Edition is being replaced with the Lockdown Edition. Hopefully, we be back together at Baileo for Vol 13 in June.

Cocktail Open Mic Vol 13 Lockdown Edition will be similar to the usual version. You fill out a form. As always, the ever funny and cheeky Peter Seaton-Clark will be hosting. The only difference is you have to send us a video of your performance and you won’t have Sten to make you cocktails. Ouch!

This new format could open up some new opportunities. For one, you don’t have to be in Leipzig to participate! Send us your songs, your skits, your poems, your pet tricks. You decide, but you have to do it quickly.

The deadline to send them in is 1 April. You find the signup links (with further instructions) at the end of this article.

We will share the submissions on the Cocktail Open Mic Facebook page on 3 April, 8-11 PM.

The show must go on!

Cocktail Open Mic Vol 12 Lockdown Edition

sign up form
upload vids here (max 2GB)

deadline 1 April 2020
premiere 3 April
Cocktail Open Mic Facebook page

Artist, curator and writer: maeshelle west-davies gleans her varied life experiences to expose a personal perspective through a multitude of mediums.

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