German - Page 2

Learning a language online during Covid-19 times


The Covid-19 crisis has gotten more people into a vibe of learning and self-improvement, and Leipzig language teachers into further embracing tech. "Students tell us they've been able to get the same feeling they had in class," says inlingua Leipzig.


Die hautnahen Stunden des Benjamin Springer


Part 9 of our German series by Nils Müller on local artists: "Der Klang einer Jazztrompete erklingt am Fenster zum Unendlichen, denn Fenster sind auch Benjamin Springers Bilder."


Tips to get subsidized courses to boost job prospects


In this post, inlingua Leipzig gives you some pointers on how to make sure your German course is a) fully or partly paid for and b) directed towards your next career step. The tips also apply to other career advancement courses you might be interested in.


Innenwelten: die Malerei der Ellen Steger


Part 8 of our German series by Nils Müller on local artists: "Sie zeigt uns dieses Volk bei seiner Freilassung. Das Volk, das es besser haben wollte und das es leid war, nur das Innere eines Käfigs ablaufen zu können und immer nur das gleiche zu fressen."


“Is there a correct look for an immigrant?”


"Someone fleeing war has far more of a right to seek safety in a new place than I do to seek a work visa."


Multimedia German learning with Chatterbug


"What sets Chatterbug apart from other learning platforms I've tried is its very present and essential human aspect, while staying paperless."
