Kiroku, which is inspired by tiny jam-packed paper stores in Japan, recently re-opened along Georg-Schwarz-Straße.
MoreJust how Bauhaus is your house?
Today you probably came into contact with at least one piece of Bauhaus. A brief history, examples and images from the legendary movement, whose 100th anniversary is being celebrated here in Leipzig with a GRASSI Museum exhibit.
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It looks like the weather will remain good for the next couple of weeks… perhaps it is time to do a little exploring.
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Leipzig Book Fair inspires annual book fever
Better to have one book in your hand as well as many flying around in your head. If you like cosplay, this is also the event for you.
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The American Drama Group Europe, a well-established international theater troupe founded in Munich, will perform a version of the Orwellian classic Animal Farm, in English, at Schauspiel Leipzig on January 27th.
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Nach einer langen Unterbrechung durch die Pandemie findet die Integrationsmesse der Stadt Leipzig endlich wieder in Präsenz statt. Im Interview sprechen wir mit Jakob Lanman Niese, Mitarbeiter des Referats für Migration und Integrations der Stadt Leipzig, über die im Juni stattfindende Messe. Die Messe wird veranstaltet von der Stadt Leipzig und dem gemeinützigen Verein ARBEIT