#Literature - Page 6

War in Ukraine: a tattoo on my ventricle


"I wanted to change the political situation with the infinitesimal fraction of my own participation, so I joined the Ukrainian volunteer movement. At the front line, I found friends and kindred spirits. My feelings for them poured into poetry."


Wally opens our Cocktail Open Mic


To get our Cocktail Open Mic series off to a good start on 2 Feb, Leipzig Opera mezzo soprano soloist Wallis Giunta will do something she doesn't often get the chance to do: sing some country songs for us.


Podcast: local fun & book to curl up with


This December, you might be looking for a different story. This is what our last podcast for 2017 tries go give you.


Poem: “Elusive (the horizon)”

I cannot touch it, but in the wind.


My whirl at Twilight Zone fan fiction

Oh, if only I had a time machine. "The Soldier, the Maid and the Miss" - a short story written in loving tribute of my favorite series of all time, The Twilight Zone (1959-64).


Heartfelt poetry for the Ausländeramt


Behind foggy glasses they ask me if I want to bleib (stay) here for immer (always) / Immer is such a long dirty word

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