
Interview: Your demons travel with you


Blossom Foster interviews psychologist Demetris Nicolaides: "In the situation of adjusting to life in Germany, people’s history with their family, their problems with anxiety, self-esteem, whatever, are going to be coming up."


Dr. Amorous: “Your girlfriend is a jerk”

"You are actively making the world a worse place by staying with her and pretending that abusive and dysfunctional garbage is normal."


Dr. Amorous: How to get in and out with a guy

"Heterosexual men in general do not appreciate the feeling of exposure and vulnerability that being approached produces." Agree? Disagree? Wanna send your own question to Dr. Amorous?


Dr. Amorous: boyfriend is a total scrub

"Why haven't your girlfriends driven up to your place with a van already and busted you out of that sad scene?"


Dr. Amorous: long-distance relationship?

"I have seen couples survive two or three years apart, and I have seen couples crash and burn after only a few months. So let's think about what makes the difference."


Extremism & soul-searching at DOK Leipzig


"I was surprised at how close to home Exit hit for me emotionally, although I do not have a violent past, and do not (at least not yet) count violent extremists among people I know." #DOK Leipzig

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