Foreign languages

Tips to get subsidized courses to boost job prospects


In this post, inlingua Leipzig gives you some pointers on how to make sure your German course is a) fully or partly paid for and b) directed towards your next career step. The tips also apply to other career advancement courses you might be interested in.


Teaching ancient Greek to a 4-year-old


Looking for a unique gift to give a smart and curious little one you happen to know?


“Is there a correct look for an immigrant?”


"Someone fleeing war has far more of a right to seek safety in a new place than I do to seek a work visa."


“Do good and throw it in the sea”


Of (Greek) proverbs, clarity and wisdom. What is your favorite proverb in your mother tongue? What has it taught you?


Getting to know your false friends

It means the difference between being embarrassed and pregnant.


Interview: How English helps integration


Ever wondered how to employ over 1 million refugees? Chris Pyak - our expert hero of the week - explains why it won't be a problem.
