Plagwitz - Page 2

Leipzig: challenging vegan stereotypes


"Instead of confining us to a select few, often undeniably tasty, but sometimes just too stereotypically healthy plant-based cafes and restaurants, Leipzig allows vegetarians and vegans to partake in the consumption of fast food in the SAME PLACES as our meat-eating counterparts."


“I make love through gritted teeth,” Part I


"There is a curious weight of pure potential in situations like this."


Wundercurves: breaking tech’s glass ceiling


Unlike most other local startups, Wundercurves's team of about 15 is half female, including two of the founders. On top of that, they proudly wear their curves and have built their company mission around helping other women feel the same way.


Following yonder star: Owl-Eye-Ring


"The rocker without a band. The cellist in search of fun. The vocalist with all the stage. The sideman without a spotlight. Touring together to show their other sides." Owl-Eye-Ring at Noch Besser Leben, 1 March. Read the interview and insights by Adam Carrington.


Hypewitz: summer Fridays in nightlife limbo


My belly hurt from laughing at some points during our failed attempts at partying all night.


Gentrification: the rise of hipsterdom


Literally open a hole in the wall and present a bottle of beer and someone will want part of that, you’ve founded the new in-place.
