Round and round we go


Yes, it’s that time again, the time you can get a glimpse into what artists are doing in their studios. It’s Spinnerei Rundgang (Gallery Tour), and Tapetenwerk has open studios and a big party this weekend too. Seriously, there’s no way to see everything unless you are something out of marvel comics. Here’s just a tiny taste of the galleries I think shouldn’t be missed.


Captions and Copyrights for all Burger/Guggisbergs installs: Installation view: Through a Glass, Clearly , a two person exhibition by Sebastian Burger and Stefan Guggisberg, September 9, 2016 – January 15, 2017, G2 Kunsthalle, Leipzig (Germany). photo: © the artists & G2 Kunsthalle Leipzig
Installation view: Through a Glass, Clearly , a two person exhibition by Sebastian Burger and Stefan Guggisberg, September 9, 2016 – January 15, 2017, G2 Kunsthalle, Leipzig (Germany). photo: © the artists & G2 Kunsthalle Leipzig

Through a glass, clearly
Sebastian Burger / Stefan Guggisberg
G2 Kunsthalle

If you don’t feel like going west, G2 Kunsthalle is open special hours this weekend and it’s in centre, giving you time to head for the lake guilt-free after having had your cultural fix.

G2 offers the first institutional exhibition by Sebastian Burger and Stefan Guggisberg. Both work with oil on paper. Both start with a stone. This can be a literal stone and its effects in the natural world and the creation of life, as in Guggisberg’s work, or the interplay of metal spheres as they travel the man-made world around Burger.

While their work seemed very much the same when they finished their master’s under the tutelage of Neo Rauch, they have developed very personal styles. Both are so highly skilled that you’d think this was photography or air-brush or computer generated rather than oil on paper.

The exhibition, curated by Anka Ziefer, raises questions about how we view the world. Most of the time it is through the glass of phones, tablets, computer screens.

The Hildebrand Collection works that introduce the works of Burger and Guggisberg have been carefully chosen for their perspectives of the world around and inside us. They often express a reality that is no longer a reality.

Parallel to the exhibition are new acquisitions by Neo Rauch, David Schnell and Uwe Kowski.

Because of the Spinnerei Autumn Gallery Tour, they are open Saturday 12.00-6.00 and Sunday 12.00 and 3.00.

admission: 5€, 3€ with student ID, Fine Art and Art History majors and children under 12 free

Guided tours in Geman and English. Check site for availability and to book in advance.


Spinnerei Galleries

Laetitia Gorsy "bildarchive 29" at archive massive, Spinnerei
Laetitia Gorsy “bildarchive 29” at archive massive, Spinnerei

archive massive
Laetitia Gorsy
bildarchive 29

This collection of photographs chronicles ordinary happenings in an extraordinary way. Somewhere between glamour and reality, we experience real life through the lens of Laetitia Gorsy. Expect to be bedazzled.


Helge Hommes at The Grass is Greeener
Helge Hommes at The Grass is Greeener

Helge Hommes
The Grass is Greener

Helge Hommes withdraws into the forest to track the forms and shapes found in Caspar Friedrich’s paintings. He re-translates Friedrich’s symbolism. Is nature higher than, less than or equal to divinity? Is it there we can find the harmony we lost when we went looking for ourselves in other places?


Jochen Plogsties, Shanshai at ASPN
Jochen Plogsties, Shanshai at ASPN

Jochen Plogsties

I’ve long been a Jochen Plogsties fan. His current work deals with the math behind the images we find appealing. The images can come from advertising or from post cards of from the Old Masters. Is the math always the same? He draws lines and parallels and conclusions.

Laden für Nichts

Go ahead. Click the blue button. You know you want to.


Hayahisa Tomiyasu TTP at Galerie b2
Hayahisa Tomiyasu TTP at Galerie b2

Hayahisa Tomiyasu
Galerie B2

I love this text so much! I really really want to see the fox, but I’ll happily settle for seeing his photo and reading his account.

It was on Sunday August 14th, 2011 that I took a walk around 3 pm. Down Tarostraße, then Straße des 18. Otkober. While I was turning the corner of the German National Library veering into Curiestraße, I came across a fox. From my angle I could see the right side of its body.

The distance between us was rather short.
It probably did not notice me or chose to ignore my presence. It’s eyes were closed and it was sniffing the stones between the sidewalk and the adjacent lawn.
There was a “Do Not Enter” sign a couple of feet away on the sidewalk.

Then it squatted in the grass, tilted its head to the left and back again slowly.
It kept its eyes closed and did its business.

Upon finishing it rightened up and speedily proceeded towards the nearby shrubbery.
Shortly before vanishing into the bushes it stopped and glanced in my direction.
The tip of its tail was glowing white.

On the morning of August 30th, 2011 I got up and looked out the window first thing.
My room was on the 8th floor looking south.

In front of the building was an athletic field. Located on the right was an indoor swimming pool and a small soccer field, adjacent to a gym. To the left there was a sand pit, a running track, another larger soccer field and a ping pong table.

I spotted a fox on the athletic field, calmly crossing the sand pit and the running track.
He stopped right before passing the ping pong table and lifted its head to look at it.
Then he went on and left the field.

Ever since then I have frequently been waiting for it from the window, but it never appeared again.
Slowly but surely I started to observe the ping pong table.

Text: Hayahisa Tomiyasu
Lukas Holldorf & Kathleen Krol

Artist, curator and writer: maeshelle west-davies gleans her varied life experiences to expose a personal perspective through a multitude of mediums.

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