May 2017 - Page 3

Work it: carrying Zumba everywhere


A super fun Zumba playlist to take with you - on your travels or across your own living room floor.


Startup Safary: follow the signs and $cents


These hounds are digging up the city’s industrial past and transforming it into a new play field full of balls, bones and postmen. Have a look at this event insider's "pick of the pack" for Startup Safary (11 and 12 May).


6 randomly perfect moments in travel


Randomly perfect while perfectly random - travel moments that stayed with me through time.


3 key factors in the French elections Sunday


From the elections to be held across Europe this year, none are so transcendental - or so uncertain.


On bad bread and “neoliberalism”


A “neoliberalism” that is neither new nor liberal? A reply to Harald Köpping.


Media and myopia in the French elections


Your news reading companion ahead of the French presidential run-off on 7 May.
