Philosophies - Page 10

A conversation about history and memory


"The past can only enter our present through memories. Yet, what is officially remembered and how it is remembered is shaped by politics."


Literary Parlor: interview with poet Patricia Murphy


In this column, we invite international award-winning authors for a virtual cup of tea, coffee or whisky, to unveil some of their art and craft secrets. We begin with Patricia Colleen Murphy, winner of the 2019 Press 53 Award for Poetry.


Finding myself in Leipzig (without knowing I was lost)


"Every day I woke up with a smile and a slight hangover in a bed with a frame that was completely broken."


Sunday in HK: from the front lines of the protests


"On the street, waiting for buses, or in the metro station, being squeezed in the train: One by one, stranger by stranger, local or foreign, citizen or tourist, the emotions of 'going out there' attached us to one other."


3 existential poems: tourist, victim, phoenix


If taken together and interpreted a certain way, these poems may paint the picture of an individual who is discovering that depending on external validation is a dead-end; the small moments and aspects of ourselves we learn to treasure are what matters.


“Is there a correct look for an immigrant?”


"Someone fleeing war has far more of a right to seek safety in a new place than I do to seek a work visa."

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