Society - Page 3

When love crosses borders


What happens when love crosses borders? In psychology, we often use the term “binational relationships” to refer to relationships between two people of different nationalities. There are several wonderful and interesting aspects to having a binational relationship. Not least of which is learning about new things that are peculiar to the culture of our partner.


Your most important relationship ever


The most important relationship in your life is between you and… yourself. Not your parents, not your kids, your partner, God, your money, whatever. None of these. Just you and you. Think back to your last breakup, the time when you drew a hard line in the sand. Whether it was with a person, with


Upper limit problem? You deserve your success!


Hitting an upper limit problem (ULP)? You know, the panic attack your brain throws your way when you reach a new milestone, when you achieve something wonderful? Because it gets scared about having too much good stuff in your life? And so you self-sabotage, in all possible ways. The bigger the achievement, the larger the


Finding comfort in being alone


Growing up, I always heard negative connotations about being alone. As a result, I also thought of it as such. However, as I mature I’m starting to question if being alone is all that bad. I have always thought of myself as a social person. I surrounded myself with a group of friends and consider


Ukraine: solidarity through the arts


On Thursday I was really busy, as usual. I knew A Concert for the Whole World would be broadcast live from Ukraine at 5 PM. On top of that, I knew I could watch it later. I debated. This could be heavy. Musicians of the Chernivtsi Regional Philharmonic were playing a concert from a bomb


A Roadmap to Grieving


Are you or someone you know grieving? If you’re currently helping refugees or going through any type of life change, this will be for you. Anytime we leave behind life as we know it, we actually mourn that which we’ve left behind. Be it for something small like moving apartments, or big like fleeing a

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