corona - Page 5

68 result(s) found.

Polyrhythms: raising awareness and funds for queer refugees


Aurelie Richards interviews Ali Schwartz about POLYRHYTHMS, a new pilot project to support LGBTQIA+ refugees in Leipzig with innovative therapeutic methods.


Digital culture: museums take big steps forward


In the last year, all cultural institutions were forced to adapt to a new normal. That also included shaking off the dust and embracing new technologies to keep audiences in the loop while they had to close down. Our contributor Maeva Badouin shares a round-up of some of Leipzig's best digital cultural offerings in 2021.


Meet the Candidates: Linh Vu and Tommaso Scarpelli


In this "Meet the Candidates" edition, LeipGlo is running Q&A's with those up for the Stadt Leipzig Migrants' Council vote. Today, we get to introduce Linh (Vietnam/Germany) and Tommaso (Italy). If you are also a candidate and want to be featured, contact us via dm or contact[at]leipglo[dot]com.


Lockdown poetry: Trip to the Späti


A shot of Späti-inspired nostalgia and poetry for our readers sharing in the woes and boredom of lockdown life (among snowflakes here). #ApartTogether #Flockdown


SWDC: Dance connecting to you LIVE!


Sebastian wanted to hang with the cool guys. Those guys were the best in tap. Now he is continues the tradition with his Sebastian Weber Dance Company (SWDC).


“When Dad was still alive” – a poem


LeipGlo's Ana shares her new poem "When Dad was still alive" which she wrote during the pandemic. This personal yet global piece of poetry intertwines Ana's unique point of view with our global crises and traumas.

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