job fair - Page 9

150 result(s) found.

eCommeleon: on hopping continents to land in Leipzig


eCommeleon is a highly adaptable e-commerce startup founded by foreigners in Leipzig, seeking international-minded staff in the areas of IT, sales and marketing. Check out some insights from co-founder Jesse Wragg - a Brit with Australian and German paths.


Code Camp Leipzig seeks students for second run


In this LeipGlo interview, Code Camp Leipzig co-founder Taylor Harvey looks back on the program's first run and forward into the next events, and gives you an idea what to expect. You can apply to join the second class until January 6th, 2020. #codinglife


DCI: a new start after oppression or lack of prospects


They escaped from persecution and violence in Turkey and Syria, and from a career dead-end in Central Europe, into eventually finding a brighter, more promising path in programming via Digital Career Institute (@DevugeesOrg) in Leipzig.


Singing and stripping at Cocktail Open Mic


You never know what you're gonna get when you come to our open mic - except for surely being empowered and entertained with the diverse, open-minded talent that shows up.


Meet the people teaching you to code in 3 months


Come meet potential employer PRISMA and ask Code Camp Leipzig questions about their fast track to learning coding - a skill enabling you to use your creativity to positively impact your community, while putting cash in your pocket. Open house on 25 July.


Meet the Candidates: Christopher Zenker (SPD)


Leipzig City Council member Christopher Zenker (SPD) is running for reelection in Circuit 4, Leipzig South. Head of his party group in the council, he answered the series of questions we sent them ahead of the elections. Dieses Interview mit ihm ist Teil unserer Reihe über die Stadtrats- und Europawahlen am 26. Mai 2019.

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