#BeABiggerDot - Page 2

eCommeleon: on hopping continents to land in Leipzig


eCommeleon is a highly adaptable e-commerce startup founded by foreigners in Leipzig, seeking international-minded staff in the areas of IT, sales and marketing. Check out some insights from co-founder Jesse Wragg - a Brit with Australian and German paths.


Die 3. LeipGlo Jobmesse auf einen Blick


Viele Unternehmen auf der LeipGlo-Jobmesse suchen DICH und dein Können!


DCI: a new start after oppression or lack of prospects


They escaped from persecution and violence in Turkey and Syria, and from a career dead-end in Central Europe, into eventually finding a brighter, more promising path in programming via Digital Career Institute (@DevugeesOrg) in Leipzig.


The 3rd LeipGlo Job Fair at a glance


Our roadmap to new career opportunities in Leipzig, converging in 2 weeks at WERK 2.


More than 20 exhibitors expected at LeipGlo Job Fair


Check out our exciting roster of job fair exhibitors so far - and some of their open positions!


Leipzig Glocal Job Fair, round 3


Proud to announce that DHL, Techniker Krankenkasse, and Code Camp Leipzig have already confirmed their presence at the third Leipzig Glocal Job Fair, in November!
