The right match for your glocal life and career needs.
The government reports that more than 500,000 people in Germany became unemployed during the COVID-19 crisis. The good news is that employment rates are slowly bouncing back. Here in Leipzig, some of our previous job fair exhibitors are now hiring once again; others are offering career advice. We tested the level of interest in our job fair by promoting it minimally up to this point, and already about 70 job-seekers have signed up on Eventbrite. So we decided to keep to our regular annual schedule for the event and organize one in November at the usual venue, WERK 2. Socially distanced, of course (same hall, more distanced than the photo below from last year).

The fourth Leipzig Glocal Job Fair (socially distanced) is scheduled for Tuesday, November 10th, 2-8 PM, in Halle A of WERK 2 (Kochstraße 132).
We are not the only ones. Other job fairs are also happening locally this season. But ours has a reputation for being less formal and more personal than other events of this type in Leipzig. If you’ve been before, you know you can grab a drink and network with others at a tables area. If there isn’t a job you’re interested in, you still get value by connecting with service providers who can give you training, point you in the right direction, or help improve your life in the city somehow.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, our socially distanced job fair will have fewer exhibitors than usual. There can only be 90 people in the venue at one time and everyone is expected to wear a mask. There will be someone at the door to check that the regulations are being followed. We picked WERK 2’s biggest hall to ensure that there would be plenty of space.
Our job fair will feature exhibitor stands as well as presentations this time around.
The presentations will focus on career development, and the stands on providing useful information and perhaps even your ideal job. With seven weeks left until the job fair, so far 10 exhibitors have confirmed their presence. They are all repeat exhibitors (meaning they were happy at previous job fairs and are coming back for more):
- Spreadshirt
- Forcont
- SpinLab
- Digital Career Institute
- Code Camp Leipzig
- inlingua
- Teach First Deutschland
- Career Service University of Leipzig
- The Leipzig Glocal (us)

In the coming weeks we will publish Q&A articles about the exhibitors’ offers and, when relevant, company culture. We are excited to see you and are working very hard to put this event together!
If you’re a job-seeker, make sure to book your ticket in advance through Eventbrite: Free OR Donation-Based if you’d like to give us some much-needed love (€). If you’re a potential exhibitor, we’ve still got some space: Write us at contact@leipglo.com or check out our FAQ with a form you can fill out at the bottom.

Besides Eventbrite, you can keep up with job fair-related publications and developments through our Facebook, Twitter or Instagram profiles, or through the job fair’s Facebook event page. And while you’re at it, our friends at WERK 2 could also use our help during these challenging times, so have a look at their crowdfunding campaign.