Family - Page 3

Mors certa, hora incerta: a poem

The clock is inexorable. What (random) memories do we keep?


Theatre: Is “Proof” any good, after all?


"Watching 'Proof' in a sold out venue had its merits in terms of entertainment and cultural experience. But was the play any good and will it be worth attending next Saturday? You'll find out here."


Feline and Strange: love and “Your Life”


Dating in our modern world is complicated. "And they lived happily ever after" is not as easy as the fairy tales told us.


Who’s afraid of the Black Spider?


Review: The children's opera "The Secret of the Black Spider" is scary enough for the kids without boring the adults.


Memories and ghosts in a Prague hotel


"They welcomed me and then oddly warned me the hotel was haunted, especially my room, then wished me a good night."


The boyfriends of birthdays past

They increasingly became part of the celebration, rather than the chief reason to celebrate.

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