Greece - Page 2

“Do good and throw it in the sea”


Of (Greek) proverbs, clarity and wisdom. What is your favorite proverb in your mother tongue? What has it taught you?


“Guiding Proust through my childhood”

So Proust takes me into his crystal ball of the past / Or is it a magnifying glass?


Nostalgia, books and “The Durrells in Corfu”


Before parting with my classmates, before embarking for the big adventure called adult life, we enjoyed Corfu in the spring with its sunsets, its old buildings, its incredibly beautiful landscapes.


Volunteering at a refugee camp in Greece


Working with refugee children in Greece changed Samantha's life. Here's her story, and how you can help her go back there.


Greece and Eurozone: divorce?


Our economically liberal political scientist gives his assessment of whether the intentions of leaders on the Greek and EU sides match up with their rhetoric of striving to stay together. What would you say?


Favorite childhood recipe from Greece

Our glocal culinary columnist today shares the recipe to her favorite dish as a child, associating it with lovely personal memories of nicer summers in Greece: "This dish makes me feel nostalgic not only for my childhood summers but also for the 90’s in Greece... a time of high hopes and expectations about a brighter
