Inky Ensemble

Inky Ensemble performance trio


Three Leipzig-based international friends with three different writing and performance styles have come together to form the dynamic and eclectic trio Inky Ensemble. You can catch them from anywhere in the world by tuning in to Radio Blau online Tuesday, July 21, at 10 p.m. Leipzig time. They will be chatting with host David Dichelle,


Leipzig Events: HTWK students, friends and LeipGlo columnists show off their talents at KUK! Festival Friday

Carve out a spot in your busy calendars for Friday, June 26, 3-4 p.m. That's when three of our LeipGlo columnists - Stewart Tunnicliff, Maeshelle West-Davies, and Christijan Robert Broerse - will give a literature show full of surprises at Leipzig's first KUK! Festival. Organized by HTWK, the festival features an array of other attractions


Leipzig Events: Meet three of our columnists at Sofa Stories, May 15


What are you doing this Friday, May 15? Will you be in Leipzig? If you feel up to it, come 'round to Uptown Coffee Bar, Riemannstr. 44 (by Flowerpower off Karl Liebknecht Str.), at 5 p.m. Two of my fellow columnists - Stewart Tunnicliff (#MoviesAndTV) and Christijan Robert Broerse (#Literature) - and I will be
