Poetry and prose
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Jolanta Drywa in English, Deutsch, Polski

Jolanta Drywa (c) J. Drywa
Jolanta Drywa (c) J. Drywa

Living life regularly in multiple languages – perhaps the epitome of what it means to be “glocal.” Leipzig-based Polish-born dynamo Jolanta Drywa does this as a translator and mediator in Polish-German relations. She does this also as an artist and arts promoter in the Leipzig scene, besides her general interactions with international people. As you will see here, she writes poetry in three languages, sometimes all in the same poem. Really, she does a lot of things (she even stars in a documentary about her ethnic group, the Kaschubians). Yesterday we talked about her new “Neu Cabaret” music project, today we get a first look at her poetry. That’s right, it’s first being published here, I’m proud to say. She has given me her personal drawings to go with her poems. Please note that the last drawing on this page also contains a poem, just click on it to enlarge and make it readable. Hope you enjoy the experience!


A song for my girl

I want to sleep in your arms

Tell me a good night story

I will go for a trip with my fingertips

On your hips

I’m going to walk

I’ll grope for your curves

Till I’m full to the brim

Of your smell my queen

Let me drink from your lips

I beg you on my knees

"My Girl" (c) J. Drywa
“My Girl” (c) J. Drywa

From your jug let me taste

In your wounds

Dip my fingers to believe

Let me see you

My beauty

I’ll run for you to the sky

Nothing will stop me

Nobody can stand on my way

I’ll wrap myself with your hair

Wrap yourself around me

I’ll carry you my darling

I’ll take you to a safe place

On your calf like a harp

I’ll play a new song

I’ll walk on the water

I’ll run through the desert

Running till I’m present

With my girl

Masz mnie w oczach

Usiadła o poranku na jego biodrach

Jej złote włosy jak złocista aureola

Którą on plótł jej na głowie po nocach

Ależ piękny chłopak

Mogłaby go pokochać

Gdyby wiedziała jak

Ona nawet nie chce wiedzieć

Woli na jego biodrach siedzieć

Jego silne ramiona podziwiać

Nim się jak śliwką nadziewać

Dla niego piosenki śpiewać

Chwalić dzień i noc

Całować jego nos

"Ksiaze" (c) J. Drywa
“Ksiaze” (c) J. Drywa

On niech się dalej na nią patrzy

Nic jej nie szkodzi

Wsiądzie w jego źrenice jak do łodzi

Na bezkresnym jeziorze jego tęczówek

Zostanie królową wszystkich łódek

Hej chłopaku ze złota

Ty masz mnie w oczach

Mam, pięknie wyglądasz

Najbardziej lubię twoje biodra

Lubie twoje piersi i brwi

Lubię kiedy pomiędzy nami nic

Ty masz mnie w oczach chłopaku

Twoje źrenice jak ziarenka maku

Promieniejesz dzieciaku!


seit ich dich kennengelernt habe

sind alle männer blond

mit einer narbe

mitten in meiner augenbrauen

steckt ein stück

deiner seele

kannst du es bitte abholen?

“Catch me” (c) J. Drywa


A Global Studies doctoral degree holder and former newspaper reporter, avid eater, pseudo-philosopher and poet, occasion-propelled singer, semi-professional socializer, movie addict, Brazilian-American nomad. In this space, she will share some of her experiences and (mis)adventures regarding various topics, with special attention to social issues.

Poetry and prose
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#Haiku of the day (March 14)

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#Haiku of the day (March 15)

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