March 2016 - Page 2

FUNkyFRIdayz: Come Baby (Spring) Come


a FUkyFRIdayz mix to put a spring in your step


Good Friday good flicks

ahhhhhh. chilling spring into action with a good film, or 3!


Leipzig Events: Springing to action

If spring still doesn't come, we can spring ourselves, and dance the lingering chill away...


Relearning how to live (with the ‘other’)


"Because we barely know the personal stories of the refugees, we tend to not see them as peers. But... behind our ‘worries’ is also racism, classism and other expressions of prejudice."


Refugees Wanted?


"Supporting 7 refugees is not easy... I'm looking for people who would like to share their flat long term or temporarily while we find something permanent."

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