Raja-Léon Hamann

Raja-Léon Hamann is a PhD student in Cultural and Social Anthropology and the current holder of the Anton-Wilhelm-Amo award for best graduate thesis at the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg. His dissertation project, "More than just Black - Gullah Geechee Revitalizationism and Identity Politics under the Postliberal Condition in US American Society," focuses on the interrelations between cultural recognition and economic redistribution as means to achieve social justice. His PhD project is funded by the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation.

A Literary Retrospective: If Beale Street Could Talk


I guess it can’t be too often that two people can laugh and make love, too, make love because they are laughing, laugh because they’re making love. The love and the laughter come from the same place: but not many people go there. (If Beale Street Could Talk, p. 15) Love, its absence, and its


A Literary Retrospective: Baldwin’s Go Tell It on the Mountain

Raja-Léon Hamann starts his new article series on the novels of James Baldwin with the author's earliest work, "Go Tell It on the Mountain," diving deep into the work's themes of motherhood and transgenerational struggles.


‘Festival of the M***’: Germany’s ongoing struggle with endemic racism


Raja-Leon Hamann explores the racist and colonialist implications of the city festival of Eisenberg, Thuringia being renamed as the M*****fest or Festival of the M***.
