Go in for gas... come out with your own novel? #DoItInMockau
More"I'm having another sip of tap water. My blindfold mask has fallen, the authors have returned to their word-children and my curiosity has been quenched, as has my quadrilingual спрага, Durst, жажда, thirst."
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The kids' own passions were ignited by inspiration in various literary and photographic genres, to form a fair, fresh, private philosophy of Leipzig oneness.
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Book Fair: around the world in four days
"Returning cranes traverse the bleak skies with molecules of south rainbow on their wings – and new stories of their travels." Novelist Svetlana Lavockina shares her itinerary for the Leipziger Buchmesse.
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Rubies the Size of Peas
The theme of this column is narrating a transnational or cross-cultural experience that has indelibly shaped one's life. For our author today, Leipzig-based Ukrainian writer Svetlana Lavochkina, such an experience has been learning English, and the mark left by the fascinating, rambunctious character from back home who instilled that love for the language in her,