Getting cheap tickets to La Scala in Milan


It is possible to pay as low as 5 euros to get into this iconic venue!


#Haiku of the day (March 29)


Daily haiku: Great-aunt – Remarkable face/ Many fans but one late love/ Had no enemies


My emergency airplane landing

A positive story involving a difficult situation aboard an airplane in Europe.


#Haiku of the day (March 28)


Daily haiku: Confidence – To know who you are/ No need to prove you’ve got it/ Devoid of envy


#Haiku of the day (March 27)


Daily haiku: Anxiety – Can’t control my thoughts/ Compulsive fears assault me/ Often all ends well


Poniatowski open mic welcomes diverse languages and styles


“Our Open Mic is an event that takes place at regular intervals at Leipzig venues. It gives everyone the chance to hit the stage – just tag along to read your poetry and stories or perform your music live. And of course you can perform other people’s work as well. “Come join us! “You will

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