History - Page 7

Chemnitz at 875: history, industry, culture


Known not only for its big Karl Marx head (the “Nischel” in Saxonian), Chemnitz now has around 240,000 inhabitants and a quite important technical university, where 25% of students (!) are international. The city happens to be celebrating its 875th jubilee and is vying to become a European Capital of Culture.


El alma inquieta de una iglesia


La Paulinerkirche: entre explosiones, pausas y nuevas visiones. Our first article in Spanish. To be more representative of our readership, we're looking to run articles in different languages from time to time.


Why is there no socialism in the USA?


The question has haunted scholars, socialists and socialist scholars for one and a half centuries. So we also give it a try (or eight).


Reformation: true story or creation myth?


As we rejoice over not having to go to work and put on our Halloween costumes, we're also asked to remember a little something a famous local guy named Martin Luther did 500 years ago. But what we're commemorating may not have taken place quite as promoted over the past centuries.


Legends of the fall: DOK festival turns 60


Unannounced screenings after midnight? Films smuggled over the border in a suitcase? Hotel rooms bugged by the Stasi? Legends about the Leipzig film festival abound.


Orbán’s falsification of history in Budapest


A spectacular city such as Budapest should be free of this kind of detrimental political controversy.

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