Alexandra Köpping Athanasopoulou - Page 1

8 result(s) found.

Meet the Candidates: Neam Tarek and Alexandra Athanasopoulou Köpping


In our second entry in the Migrants' Council coverage series "Meet the Candidates", Neam Tarek from Egypt and Alexandra Athanasopoulou Köpping from Greece/Belgium share their candidatures and tell us about themselves and their plans for the Council.


Why do we blog? (A photo story)


Rather than a way to escape "real" life for me, it's ended up becoming a way to enhance it.


Voting in Leipzig Migrants’ Council selection process


The Migrants' Council of Leipzig will be reappointed this year with a new process including votes. Candidate Alexandra Athanasopoulou Köpping gives us the ins and outs of this special body that aims to be the voice of international Leipzigers.


A tasty alternative for people who crave but cannot eat regular sushi (such as pregnant women)

Our food columnist is a sushi lover and has been craving it, but cannot eat raw meat or fish, since she's pregnant - so what to do? She found a simple, yummy alternative we think you will love, too.


“Je suis une fraise, manges moi!”

I once met a guy who was learning in all possible languages the sentence "I am a strawberry, eat me!" Then when he met people from a specific nationality, he would say it in their language with a perfect accent. He said it was a nice ice breaker. I am not sure how successful it
