belief - Page 12

85 result(s) found.

Benedikt Braun: actus coitus P(r)ost Kapitalist


It is with a deliciously irreverent sense of humor that absurdist Benedikt Braun sees the state of the world.


The hitchhiker’s guide to the startup scene


What do hitchhiking 50,000 km and starting your own business have in common? Perhaps more than you'd immediately think.


This week’s binge: “Stranger Things”


The next season opens on 27 October on Netflix. From the soundtrack (rife with 80s alternative rock classics) to the sets, throwback scenes and props - the telephones, the radios, the walkie-talkies - you'll be immersed in their nostalgia-inducing world.


A look into Farage’s nationalistic rhetoric


Purporting unity with "we", the UKIP leader is doing a proper job in polarising the people he is addressing.


Who voted for Brexit?


Each day I teeter between hope and despair. Is my Britain really a sea of racists? Is that what happened?


Illusion: same as it never was

Illusion uses science, technology, and art to “drag you to a whole new world.”
