Art - Page 3

west-davies reminds us we are not alone


Our physical realities are increasingly becoming more disparate from any preconceived idea of what we may have expected out of real life. Not that this is necessarily something to be sad about. As with west-davies’s work, it exists and demands to exist within a multiverse, expanding with each rendition and playback it may take, through


Jugendstil in Wiesbaden: a stunning collection


The Museum Wiesbaden displays a stunning new collection of Jugendstil (Art Nouveau) pieces that will please art enthusiasts and casual appreciators alike.


Lebanon to Leipzig: a friendship told through art

"Mahmoud and I are opposites; he is an artist, I am a doctor, he is a Muslim, I am an atheist, he is a refugee, I am not. We are friends beyond our categories, because of something much deeper."


Isabelle Dutoit: reenchantment with natural world

Combining a delicate precision of realism with abstract colour layers, Leipzig painter Isabelle Dutoit forges fantastical realms where dreams and actuality converge. Through superimposing the real with the uncanny, Isabelle shatters the illusion of the image. The familiar regresses into the unknown…


G2: Edgar Leciejewski and Oskar Rink


Maeshelle West-Davies gives us a glimpse into the order, de- and reconstruction, of two respective artistic styles (and studios). And adds coordinates for the next exhibit: IM OSTEN NICHTS NEUES. @G2 Kunsthalle


Virtual normality. Netzkünstlerinnen 2.0

Due to public demand, MdbK's current exhibition of female digital natives has been extended for the time being. GO!
