As Leipzig opened up after its Covid-induced cultural drought, Tanzlabor was working on a cure to lockdown isolation. On the weekend of 4 March, the city of Leipzig introduced its long-anticipated relaxing of restrictions. Admission to events stepped down to the 3G regulation. Requiring visitors to (only!) prove that they are vaccinated, recently recovered, or
MoreOur physical realities are increasingly becoming more disparate from any preconceived idea of what we may have expected out of real life. Not that this is necessarily something to be sad about. As with west-davies’s work, it exists and demands to exist within a multiverse, expanding with each rendition and playback it may take, through
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Sebastian wanted to hang with the cool guys. Those guys were the best in tap. Now he is continues the tradition with his Sebastian Weber Dance Company (SWDC).
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More won't mean less for the new LOFFT Das Theater at Spinnerei.
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Dancing decisively into an “epic year”
"If not now, then when?" A tale about reignited passion, and what you can do to find that yourself in 2019.
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Questioning the “higher female calling”
In 1.7, Zsuzsa Rózsavölgyi shows us the broken child, she shows us the broken vessel, which she is gluing piece by piece with molten gold. #LOFFT #Leipzig