July 2016 - Page 4

The Euro Cup’s Best Eleven

Whom would you pick if you had a chance to form your dream football team?


Katrin Heichel: inside the G2


I encourage you to get close to these paintings and see how many shades of black there really are. Tonight's your chance.


Eat for cheaper at closing time in Leipzig


Local eateries will give you their leftovers for a very low price if you know when to show up. There's an app for that, with participants in 11 countries (mostly in Europe, i.e. Germany and the UK, but also the U.S. and Australia).


Bromance without romance: “The Nice Guys”


Could you imagine love between Russell Crowe and Ryan Gosling?


“Whence do you know the happiness of fish?”


Last night I saved the life of a fish by ordering a pizza.


Poem: Ground Zero

So often we see ourselves having to simply take that leap of faith - believing that lush summer must be somewhere down the stark road we've chosen to take, or been forced to take. It's a matter of survival.
