Even in a city as friendly as Leipzig, being writers can be lonely.
It can be difficult to motivate ourselves to write in the first place. Try as we might, it can seem next to impossible to finish the novel, or story, or screenplay that we started years ago and kept meaning to go back to, but never did.
Even with the best of intentions, the best of ideas, it can be difficult to find time to get those ideas down on paper.

Of course, writing is usually done solo, but we at the Leipzig Writers’ Meetup group have found that meeting with other like-minded writers boosts our creativity and our enthusiasm for what we are doing.
Meeting other writers has given us the chance to talk about the obstacles we face when we write, and to share tips and experiences about our creative process, about how to tell a good story, writing for a specific genre, doing research, or finding paid work as writers.
The Leipzig Writers’ Meetup group is a space for people who write anything – books, fiction, non-fiction, short stories, scripts – to exchange ideas, share feedback, motivate each other, find a writing buddy or buddies, and also just to chat.

We are an open group, welcoming all writers in any language – some of us write in German, some in English, some in Spanish, some in Dutch.
There is a very broad range of interests and genres. At our last social event, we welcomed a journalist, a professional writer for soap operas, a writer of short stories, a translator, a proof-reader, a writer who was working on their fifth novel, a writer who was working on their first short story, and a writer who was writing an essay from the point of view of a bat.
Talking to fellow writers about writing just tends to feel good; no matter how different what we are working on is, we are bound to find something in common.
We now run two monthly events. A “get to know fellow writers” event at Moritzbastei, which takes place on the first Thursday of every month (the next one being on 4 July); and a new “read-aloud” event at Café Oink, where anyone can come and read a 10-minute piece, or shorter, in front of an audience (20 July).
In addition to these events, we are delighted that a number of other groups have grown out of the Leipzig Writers’ Meetup.
There’s a group of writers who get together for more serious feedback sessions, and even a committed writing boot camp. Our approach is to see what people are interested in doing, and to let them use our meetings as a launchpad for making it happen. We absolutely encourage them to form their own groups in Leipzig – whether it’s a screen-writers’ study group, a plan for a writers’ retreat, or a story-telling workshop.

All of this only happens because writers living in Leipzig decide to get together and share their love of writing. Whether you want to meet fellow writers, get feedback on your work, find a writing buddy, or arrange a workshop, please visit our meetup page to sign up, register for our events, and to contact the organizers if you would like to read something aloud at one of our read-aloud events.
We look forward to welcoming you.
By Matt Perkins
Thursday, 4 July: “Get to Know Fellow Writers” at Moritzbastei, in the city center(@ 19:30)
Saturday, 20 July: “Read-aloud at Cafe Oink” in Plagwitz (@ 14:30)