In case you haven’t heard, our next job fair takes place on 26 November 2019, once more at WERK 2! Our past experiences taught us a lot, and also gave us the impulse to organize this third round of the Leipzig Glocal Job Fair series.
We couldn’t have done it without our partners and all their support, as well as our volunteers, companies, and all the job-seekers and other visitors investing time and energy into our career-related event!
This will be no ordinary job fair, just like our first job fair last year, and our second job fair in partnership with Startup SAFARI Leipzig and Techniker Krankenkase (TK). Besides companies offering jobs, service-providers like TK talk about options to make your life in Leipzig smoother, e.g. signing up for an insurance company that has customer support also in English.
TK will be back for our third job fair. Repeat exhibitors DHL (one of our region’s biggest employers) and Code Camp Leipzig have also both confirmed their presence. We’ll announce other companies in the coming weeks, as our list of exhibitors is finalized.
The second Leipzig Glocal Job Fair took place this past 24 May, in the glass dome atop the LVZ building in Leipzig-Südvorstadt. We tried something new for it: To elicit more quality interaction, LeipGlo invited the exhibiting companies and interested job-seekers to respectively fill out a survey. The responses told us what the companies needed in terms of labor force, and what the attendees had to offer. Based on that information, we went on to match prospective attendees with the companies, and provided the two sides with a schedule of appointments.
Our follow-up poll of companies and job-seekers who attended the May job fair gave us encouraging feedback. About 60 percent of attendees found the matching system to be “useful” or “very useful,” and about 65 percent of all attendees applied to an open position offered by one of the exhibiting companies. From the exhibitor side, about two-thirds of participating companies were satisfied with the quality of the job fair and the quality of candidates.
We are not using the matching system for the third Leipzig Glocal Job Fair, but are instead gathering information to build up an ongoing database of job-seekers, to connect them with employers even beyond the realm of our job fairs.
Matching the prospective attendees and companies in the second Leipzig Glocal Job Fair was a lot of work, because the international and internationally-minded community in Leipzig has a lot of talent and experience to offer. So now we are looking to further automate and refine the system.
Close to all the potential attendees in our second job fair had a university degree, and 80 percent had three years of work experience or more. Plus, many of them possessed highly sought-after skills, such as software development, multiple languages and sales.
We are not complaining, though! About 200 of Leipzig’s highly talented labor force came to our second job fair and met the more than 20 companies that exhibited there. These employers represented even more industry branches than those in our first job fair. Besides previous exhibitors like heavyweights Spreadshirt, inlingua and SpinLab, exciting new exhibitors like ExB Labs (AI), the NU Company (chocolate) and Circuit Accessories (jewelry) were present.
Representatives from the service industry also came to the second Leipzig Glocal Job Fair, such as Five Elements Hostel and Free Walking Tour Leipzig. There were even “one-person shows” looking for co-founders or partners, like Future Beauty Store and Rollary.
The downside is that it got quite hot at some point. The LVZ glass dome is an excellent idea in winter, but not so much in late spring, when the intense sunshine starts to make an appearance. The venue was also a little bit of a challenge to find, especially being up on the roof of the newspaper.
Now, we are back to the ground floor at WERK 2 in Leipzig-Connewitz, where we were for the job fair’s first edition.
We are taking all the lessons that we learned in the past two job fairs to offer an even better service to the community the third time around. As usual, it will not be just a traditional job fair – potential employers as well as service-providers will be onboard, and the information we collect from attendees will help us tailor our career-related services to their needs and talents.
The third Leipzig Glocal Job Fair also seeks to showcase a varied array of companies. There will be companies big and small, looking for the great talent that Leipzig’s internationally-minded community has to offer. There will be service providers to help you live a better and more productive life in Leipzig.
This job fair will be free for attendees, as in our past two editions. However, you should register beforehand through Eventbrite.
In the Eventbrite page, you will be asked to fill out a short survey. Filling out this survey will allow us to know what companies would be the best match for you, and thus give you the best service possible.
Leipzig Glocal Job Fair 3
Where: WERK 2 (Kochstraße 132, 04277 Leipzig)
When: 2-8 PM, 26 November 2019
Registration | Facebook event | FAQ page for companies and visitors