August 2019 - Page 3

Pforte zum Wunderland: Linda Marwan


Part 7 of our German series by Nils Müller, on local-based artists: "Dort, wo sich das Gras teilt, wo der Holunder zittert, wo der Löwenzahn in die Vielzahl geht, beginnen wir einzuschweben, in das Gebüsch, das zur Wolke wird, zum Rauch, zu Sternenbildern sogar."


Saxony Elects: Meet the candidates face-to-face


Want to help fight the blue menace? Ask the people hoping to represent us in Dresden what they plan to do. 12 August at Basislager Coworking Leipzig. AND DON'T FORGET TO VOTE IF YOU ARE ELIGIBLE TO!


Vox Lux: provocation pop star


Watch as the sole survivor of a school mass shooting goes viral on YouTube and rises to pop stardom, singing songs written by Sia.
