August 2019 - Page 2

Peaceful Revolution: some key facts and dates


The events of Autumn ’89 are central to East German identity and close to the people’s hearts. If you want to connect to the people and the place, it’s well worth reading up on this important part of history.


Leipzig Glocal Job Fair, round 3


Proud to announce that DHL, Techniker Krankenkasse, and Code Camp Leipzig have already confirmed their presence at the third Leipzig Glocal Job Fair, in November!


Saxony Elects: encouraging startup spirit and diversity


A review of the Saxon election candidates' debate earlier this week at Basislager Coworking, focusing on entrepreneurship and inclusion of foreigners.


“Horror” and comfort in GeyserHaus


This Wednesday, before September sends chilly gushes of wind, the Get Well Soon Big Band promises a musical highlight - shivers down one's spine guaranteed. After all, its latest album - The Horror - explores human abysses and fears.


Going West – Sachsen in Alberta


"Hier ist kein Berg zu hoch, keine Strecke zu weit, keine Einladung zu spontan."


A Greek person’s guide to the Greek islands


What do different Greek islands have to offer, and what is our author's favorite?
