#GoingGlocal: “Thank you for your letter,” Part V


Today, Diana wraps up her series by narrating what it has been like for her to finally meet and enter the "real life" of her penpal Genia, and also to see Russia for herself.


Leipzig Events: WASSERFEST


Saturday in the park....definatley NOT the 4th of July...but it's just as exciting.


Leipzig Events: Special movies in globalization-criticizing festival – free entry


These are special features hosted by the organization GlobaLE. They deal with social and political issues, as part of a months-long festival criticizing globalization.


#MoviesOmU: Movies in English and other original foreign languages in Leipzig, August 11-19

So many choices this week, but please don't miss "The Square" Wed night. It's important...and it's free.


#GoingGlocal: “Thank you for your letter,” Part IV


"My sudden love affair with Aitmatov nearly made me flunk my German exam in tenth grade. 'Heroes of Our Everyday Socialist Life' was to be the topic of our written compositions. I wrote an essay about Aitmatov’s novel The Place of the Skull. [My German teacher] managed to save me from flunking. But Aitmatov saved


Leipzig Events: What to do? What to do? ART, FILM and/or MUSIC?

It's the weekend! What to do? What to do? ART, FILM and MUSIC on offer.

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