Philosophies - Page 7

Sex and Science in Robert Thornton’s Temple of Flora


Did fervent plant science herald a sexual revolution?


Literary Parlor: Sabbagh’s poetry and prose personas


We talk to the brilliant author and literary scholar Omar Sabbagh, London-born of Lebanese parents, currently working as Associate Professor at the American University in Dubai. He moves in between the worlds of writing academic papers, poetry and prose.


Photographer of War: three perspectives, one DOK


LeipGlo contributors Justina, Áine and Heiner all went to see DOK Leipzig 2019 competition entry "Photographer of War" by Boris Benjamin Betram. Their diverging reactions and thoughts on the film are chronicled in our feature.


The Leipzig Affair: a book and a feeling


"I moved through Leipzig as if nothing bad could ever happen there, even knowing that was impossible. And yet, the Leipzig the character of Magda lived in scared me to my core."


Innenwelten: die Malerei der Ellen Steger


Part 8 of our German series by Nils Müller on local artists: "Sie zeigt uns dieses Volk bei seiner Freilassung. Das Volk, das es besser haben wollte und das es leid war, nur das Innere eines Käfigs ablaufen zu können und immer nur das gleiche zu fressen."


Literary Parlor: interview with poet Robert Krut


"I try to treat anything magical, or surreal, or possibly out of the framework of waking life, as entirely real, and concrete, and then let it appear in the poems." - Robert Krut, in an interview with Svetlana Lavochkina

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