What can we do to feel better and saner right now as we contend with the scourge of coronavirus? Here are a few thoughts and common-sense tips.
MoreOur literature columnist, Svetlana Lavochkina, got a chance to talk with Fiona Sampson, acclaimed poet and author of an upcoming biography on Elizabeth Barrett Browning.
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Rolf Ableiter tells us he cannot imagine an alternative musical career to his act "Field Commander C," named in honour
I walk nervously into the bar of a hotel in the center of Leipzig, not knowing what to expect. Maybe
The sea The sea as a seascape In a frame over the dining table The sea a forever moving element
Die hautnahen Stunden des Benjamin Springer
Part 9 of our German series by Nils Müller on local artists: "Der Klang einer Jazztrompete erklingt am Fenster zum Unendlichen, denn Fenster sind auch Benjamin Springers Bilder."
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As 2023 comes to an end, LeipGlo looks back on the articles that we shared with you throughout the year.
It's the most wonderful time of the year in the Leipzig Innenstadt. Here's our comprehensive guide to holiday events in
The excess of information that keeps us informed can also make us anxious and distressed. Jessica Fayer, a psychologist who
Death of a childhood friend, one year on
"I've become desperate to simply go about my life without needing an explanation, to be fine realizing it's impossible to know what's next."
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I used to say I could not draw or paint to save my life. Except for a few digital symmetrical
Tell me who you’re with and I’ll tell you who you are! An old phrase, but with knowledge that still
As we navigate the complexities of the digital age, it's essential to find and cherish our own authentic voice, celebrating
How can 0.13 percent of the vote win an election?
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Without a compelling vision of a different future, people gravitate toward demagogues who recycle the past. The left's failure to
In der Nacht des 27. Februar 1933 wurde der Reichstag in Brand gesetzt. Der 24-jährige Niederländer Marinus van der Lubbe
In der Nacht des 27. Februar 1933 wurde der Reichstag in Brand gesetzt. Der 24-jährige Niederländer Marinus van der Lubbe
"Allan came to my house to pick me up, and I did exactly what my mom has always told me not to do: get in a van with a stranger."
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As 2023 comes to an end, LeipGlo looks back on the articles that we shared with you throughout the year.
It's the most wonderful time of the year in the Leipzig Innenstadt. Here's our comprehensive guide to holiday events in
The LeipGlo job fair is for job-seekers, employers, or those just wanting to check out career prospects in Leipzig. Join