stewart tunnicliff - Page 4

26 result(s) found.

A filmlover gets over Johnny with Viggo (with video parodies for help)


By Stewart Tunnicliff As a fan of films, people always ask me which actors I really like. Usually they have to act in diverse projects, not shy away from blockbusters or smaller films, spice it up with accents, and not fall for typecasting. We have all been disappointed by great actors who start well and


“Vikings” TV series review


Vikings is a series I returned to after being disappointed watching the first episode. Being very interested in early clan and nomadic folk from an early age, I thought a series from The History Channel would be compelling and have some
historical accuracy. However, I think The History Channel was probably trying to emulate the success


#EditorDrawer: “Vignettes of a final parting”

Check out the very personal post – about moving away, losing love and learning to be a better human being – I wrote for the blog of The Lingo Guy, my fellow Leipzig Writer and columnist Stewart Tunnicliff: “Vignettes of a Final Parting.” ( 


May 4: With 7 regular columnists and new layout, blog becomes #webzine


Happy Labor Day! Today, on the 2-month anniversary of The Leipzig Glocal, I am proud to announce that we're ready to take the next step on our Web publishing journey. I say "we" because this can only be done with the help of the people who will be contributing their talent to this blog on


Review: “Still Alice” (and where and when you can catch it in Leipzig this week)


This year, the film “Still Alice” – about a middle-aged linguistics professor, mother and wife diagnosed with Alzheimer’s – brought lead actress Julianne Moore her long-overdue first Oscar. Although much of the publicity around the movie may have been related to such a happening, guest reviewer Stewart Tunnicliff gives us plenty of reasons (besides Moore’s performance) why we


Spontaneous poem and a glocal writer’s short story


I think someone else at Finding Home did this too? Was inspired and wrote a poem about a literary concert? Or did the wine go to my head, and I heard it wrong when one of the emcees said it? Anyway, that’s what I ended up doing too when contemplating how to write about the Finding
