die linke - Page 12

78 result(s) found.

German journalists on Trumpocalypse


How did the German press immediately react to Trump's win?


Leipzig: FuckUp and think up again


Think of a royal fuckup, of the type you'll remember years later. Australian Kate Gould has got one - involving film music legend Ennio Morricone - and she brings it to us here in Leipzig on 18 Aug.


TiMMi: welcome to the party


From refugee donations to that must-have product from your favourite local shop, TiMMi delivers. Catch up with what the team's been up to and meet them in August.


f/stop: end of the world as we know it


With over 10,000 visitors, Leipzig's f/stop is one of Germany's most important international photography festivals.


The Internet as life and work


What different people in Leipzig have to say about the Internet - the medium that both connects and separates all of us.


Why I chose Leipzig over Berlin


Choosing Leipzig over Berlin for a vacation to practice the language changed the course of this young Italian woman's life - and now she wouldn't have it any other way.
