Brazil - Page 2

Bolsonaro lurking in the shadows at Spinnerei


"Walking into Spinnerei Leipzig's Halle 12, I expected to see Bolsonaro's effigy in all manners of artistic defacing. Instead, I only caught Bolsonaro's silhouette, so to speak, lurking around the political art. Present, but not obvious, kind of like how artists protested during the Brazilian dictatorship in 1964-85."


Janelas no Purgatório: essay in Portuguese


Quem de nós "expatriados" não se lembra do momento que decidiu jogar tudo pro alto e se mandar? Mesmo que tenha demorado um pouco entre a decisão e a ação...


Bread & games: In Brazil, football is politics


To say that football in Brazil is a religion is an understatement, but it is also at the heart of its politics.


Kay Fochtmann: German lens, Brazilian soul


"Besides soaking it all in... the life, the laughter, the music, the scent, the language, the good and the bad, I helped the tour guide pick up the tourists at their hotels, made sure that everyone was following the unwritten favela community rules, and watched out that the tourists only took pictures where they were


Women’s well-meaning meanness


In my homeland of Brazil, known as Plastic Surgery Capital of the World, one of the worst things one can be – besides old, disabled and black – is fat. Worse still is being a fat woman. And perhaps even worse than that is being told so (nicely) by other women, when image matters so


Guarani-Kaiowá bring their fight to Leipzig


"I am here in Europe in search of an arm, of a hand, in search of brethren, in search of that big heart that is sensitized by this cause, because the food that is eaten here in Europe comes with Indian blood." - Ládio Veron
